February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day+1st Anniversary=Very Special Day

First off, I want to wish everyone a very Happy Valentine's Day! Here is a graphic I made for all my friends and readers:

So today is a very special day for my husband and I....it's our First Anniversary! Yeah, I know, it sounds kinda corny that we got married on Valentine's Day. But that's not the reason why we chose February 14th as our wedding day. It actually is the day that we first started dating back in 1999. So, we decided that February 14th was a good day to get married because it has always been so special to us.

So to celebrate both Valentine's Day and my First Wedding Anniversary, I'll show you a bunch of my wedding day photos.

Just in case you are wondering, we are going to go out for dinner and a movie on Saturday since we'll have more time and have a babysitter. I am also going to get a full body massage as well, since I got 2 gift certificates (one's the massage, the other is a pedicure) for my birthday...Saturday is going to be awesome!

And here is my favorite "Love" video:



Sonya said...

Happy Anniversary! The first one is very special. We just celebrated our tenth back in December and I have to tell ya, it's special too! I wish you many happy years together!

Unknown said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you too! Thanks for commenting on my blog. :-)

Kristin said...

Awe Happy Valentine's Day you two!!

Rene Perez said...

Great post! Loved the pictures and the video! Happy Late Anniversary!! Now I want to watch the movie.

Anonymous said...

hi... i think it's sweet. happy anniversay and happy valentine's day, too.

Rachel said...

Great graphic! Happy 1st!!
I love Moulin Rouge!!
thanks for the grins!
Hope your day was fabulous.

Paula said...

Happy Anniversary! Enjoy that massage...Im lusting.

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy 1st Anniversary... Valentine's Day is my anniversary also... this year made 11 years. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy first anniversary. This is the first time i found your blog, through surfing, but hopefully I'll come across it again eventually :)

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